
70 Von-Ossietzky-Straße, Göttingen, Niedersachsen, 37085, Germany

Q2: What is the age range of children in the school / organisation? 

6-12, 12-15, 15-18,

The highest exam that can be achieved at our school is the “erweiterter Sekundar-I-Abschluss”.

Q3: What is the number of children in each of the age ranges?

6-12                110

12-15               38

15-18                17

Q4: How is the school / organisation funded?

Fee paying, Sponsored partly by the state of Lower Saxony

Q5: What year was the adolescent (age 12+) organisation/ school established or when it is planned to start?

In its current state, since four years.

Q6: Are students together in mixed age groups?

Yes-12-15, Yes 12-18

Q7: What is the school / organisation policy about accepting children without previous Montessori experience to the adolescent programme?

We accept all suitable children. We decide this on an individual basis.

Q8: What are the arrangements regarding boarding?

No boarding

Q9: Which of the following best describes the location of your school / organisation?


Q10: Would you describe your school / organization as land based?


Q11: What qualifications are offered at 16?

National qualification

Q12: What qualifications are offered at 18?

National qualification

Q13: Which teaching approaches are used?

Individual research, Curriculum textbooks, Experiential learning,

We teach in accordance with Montessori principles. However, we only have limited possibilities due to

the surroundings of the school. Our next step will be to purchase a farm which needs renovating. This

includes farmland to be farmed by our students. We are thus currently developing our Montessori

Adolescent Programme further.

Q14: Are the young people linked into the local community? 

Yes, the students visit and work in different facilities each week, for example an old people’s home or kindergarten or the mission, on a voluntary basis. When we buy the farm, the students will be integrated within the community in many activities such as running a local café or bed and breakfast etc…