Helena Matoušková


I’m a mother of two four-year-old boys, I like singing, handwork and dancing, and spend almost all of my free time outdoors with my family, because I find peace in nature and my kids an infinite playroom.

I work with elementary children at the Montessori School Perlička in Brno where I am responsible for teaching English. I have the great honor of being present at the birth of the program for adolescents (i.e. secondary school) as Maria Montessori had proposed it, but the concept seemed so daring then that for decades, the society was not prepared for it. In our preparatory team we are certain that now is the right time, because people are beginning to realize that the traditional education system has never been set up for natural human development.

In the summer of 2016 in Sweden, I graduated from the NAMTA (North American Montessori Teachers Association) course , “Orientation to Adolescent Studies”, where administrators and teachers from Montessori schools around the world shared their experience and knowledge so that we could successfully start the adolescent program.



The International Primary and Elementary School Perlička in Brno-Obřany provides Montessori education for children aged 3 to 15 as a unique comprehensive and seamless Montessori educational program.  We share Maria Montessori’s conviction that it is children who hold the key to peace, and our mission is to help them develop their amazing potential. We believe that the development of the individual and improvement of the world are an integral part of the evolutionary process and our ever-evolving civilization.

The International Primary and Elementary School Perlička’s mission is to provide each child with the opportunity to discover and develop their potential, their characteristics and skills, and prepare them for future life – something we’ve been doing for eleven years, with joy, enthusiasm and faith in children and humanity.

This school year is marked by the joy of the amazing new “prepared environment” for adolescents, a large plot of land with a house and an apple orchard in Křížovice, which is our future Montessori school for children aged 12-15. It’s also marked by the international Montessori studies and preparation – in cooperation with an amazing team of teachers and parents – of the program for adolescents.

Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.”




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